XVI International Kortunov Global Affairs Debates is an event in memory of Russian political scientist Sergei V. Kortunov; since 2010, it has brought together young experts and beginning researchers at annual debates on urgent issues of the Russian foreign policy and international relations.
Organizers: RIAC, Creative Diplomacy
Date: December 19
Place: Moscow
Format: hybrid
Debate topics: - Is a trust-based dialogue between Russia and the West attainable?
- Migration to Russia: a harm or a benefit?
- Is sovereignization or internationalization better for the Russian education?
Moderators: Svetlana Gavrilova, Head of RIAC Program Department, and
Natalia Burlinova, President of Creative Diplomacy
Debaters: - Yuri Nadtochey of the Department of Europe and America of the INION RAS;
- Dmitry Sidorov of the Chair of Foreign Region Studies at the MSLU;
- Alla Shelyapina, journalist and social activist;
- Marina Kryzhanovskaya, journalist and orientalist scholar;
- Vera Tabak of the Financial University;
- Roman Travin of the Belgorod State National Research University.
In the debates, two opposing sides presented arguments (affirmative and negative) on the above given topics.